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Season 1, Episodes 5-17

The 12 Days of Christmas

On The 1st Day of Christmas & Enjoying Your Time
It is so much fun going over this traditional carol with you.
The meaning has been much fun for me to learn about and a pleaseure to share with you!

On The 2nd Day of Christmas 
It is about the New and the Old

On The 3rd Day of Christmas 
It is: Faith, Hope & Charity

On The 4th Day of Christmas
The Four Gospels or Four Calling or Colly Birds?
Either way I wish you Happiness, Joy, Laughter and Good Health!

On The 5th Day of Christmas 
The 5 Books of the Old Testament
What 5’s are important to you?

On The 6th Day of Christmas 
6 Geese a Laying

On The 7th Day of Christmas 
7 Swans a Swimming

On The 8th Day of Christmas 
The 8 Blessings
What are you blessings?

On The 9th Day of Christmas 
The 9 Sacraments

On The 10th Day of Christmas 
The 10 Lords a Leaping

On The 11th Day of Christmas 
The 11 Pipers Piping

On The 12th Day of Christmas 
Is the meaning really the 12 Points of the Apostles Creed?


Theresa Crowley


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